Step by step
2 minutes to read
Make a reservation
- Once your are connected, you should see this page.
- With your mouse, you need to selected the time slot you wish to reserve. You should make a reservation per participant.
- You can fill the following form:
Mandatory fields:
- Title of reservation
- Session name
- Research assistant (RA)
If you are making a reservation to scan a Phantom please check the corresponding box (Phantom).
Validation message
If your reservation is valid, you see the following window:
Then, if you are able to fill the survey, you can click on the link “Screening”. Otherwise, you will still have access to this link through your reservation.
If you reservation is not validated by our system, you should see an error message and the possibility to send us an email to this email address
After your reservation
On the calendar, your reservation will be yellow (pending). You have access to the survey from your reservation. The survey for the MRI screening must be filled prior to your arrival and as soon as possible.
- Link to screening/depistage: screening survey to fill by the participant (available from a tablet or a computer)
You will receive an email per day during the 12 days prior to your reservation to remind you to fill the MRI screening.
After few minutes, following the completion of the survey your reservation will turn blue.
Finaly, once your MRI screening reviewed and validated by our team, your reservation will turn green.
- Be careful when you submit a reservation to choose the correct row (MRI Prisma-fit 3T scanner, salle de testing (R0743) ou salle de simulation).
- When you make a reservation please use your project name as Title of reservation. This will allow UNF staff to be ready when you arrive.
- Make sure to ask your participant to fill the screening as soon as possible.
Cancel a reservation
Before cancelling a reservation, please check the politique d’annulation on our website to avoid extra billing.
To cancel a reservation, you need to log in, click on your reservation then on the top right: More -> Delete. Depending on many conditions you may be allowed or not to delete your reservation. If you have any issue please contact