Download your MRI data

2 minutes to read


In order to download your data you need a UNF account. You also need to know your group.

You have two different ways to get your MRI data:

  • Use a terminal (Linux, Mac)
  • Use a SFTP client (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Using the terminal (Mac, Linux, Windows advanced users)

Open a terminal and use the ssh command to get your MRI data into a tar.gz archive. Don’t forget to use your own unf_login and change the path to your data and the destination.

  • Download a folder and put everything into a tar.gz archive

ssh tar czf - /path/to/your/dicom/ > destination_file_on_your_computer.tar.gz

  • Download a tar.gz archive

rsync -azv destination_folder_on_your_computer

How to use a SFTP client


Filezilla client is a multiplatform software (Windows, Mac, Linux) that we recommand. You can download it using the following link Filezilla


Configuration - first use

Start Filezilla and open menu menu File -> Site Manager You should see the following window:


Create a new site that you can name unf-dicom for instance and fill the following fields:


Protocol: SFTP-SSH File Transfer Protocol

Login Type: Interactive

User: this is the UNF username we’ve created when you asked for an account.

Then, click the Connect button.

The following window could show up.


Tick Always trust and click OK.

It will prompt for your UNF password:


Enter it, click OK, you are now connected.

Main window

  • Red: your computer file system
  • Bleu: the computer file system on the server
  • Vert: path used for the server

You can move data from left to right or right to left to download or upload data on the server.

Access to your MRI data

Your MRI data can be at 3 different places. Don’t forget to change groupeName by your own group.

  • /unf/bids/groupName if you asked and coordinated the automatic BIDS conversion
  • /unf/dicoms/by_groups_tar/groupName if your data are somehow old (before 2016)
  • /unf/dicoms/by_groups/groupName if your data have recently been acquired.

If you need help to have access to your MRI data please don’t hesitate to send us an email using the following link: support.unf.

Last modified 18.10.2020